The Adam Miller Fund was established in June 1999 by Marlene and Alex Miller, Adam's parents. Largely funded by online donations, this important fund provides enrichment assistance for University of Michigan students with hearing, visual or mobility disabilities. Read more about Adam Miller's life and academic achievements at UM.
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Rackham Graduate Student Emergency Funds | Rackham Graduate School
The Rackham Graduate Student Emergency Fund is intended to help meet the financial needs of Rackham graduate students who encounter an emergency situation or one-time, unusual, or unforeseen expenses during their degree program. Situations eligible for funding include such events as:
Wolens Speech and Language Fund
This fund is designed to support students who have speech disfluency issues, known commonly as stuttering. If you have this condition, or know someone who does, please let him or her know about this opportunity afforded to SSD.
The Knox Fund
The James Edward Knox Memorial Fund at the University of Mic
Common Funding Sources
There are resources in and outside the University that provide information on scholarhips and federal loans.
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