Scholarships and Awards

The Winter 2025 SAAS Scholarships open application period runs from January 13 - March 3 at 9 am. Selected applicants will be notified in late March / early April. 
Steps for Application for Scholarships: 

1. During the open application period please submit the application for the scholarship or funding from the list below that you are interested in. You must fill out one survey for each scholarship or funding you wish to apply for.  

*Please note: scholarship application links will not be available outside of the application window; if you don't see a certain scholarship listed here, it's because its window is closed.

Please see the Scholarship Guide for more information about each of our scholarships as well as timeframes for when they are awarded.

2. Please follow the instructions on the application; entries will not be considered unless all requested information has been provided. Please note that not all applications require essays. 

3. You must be connected with your disabilities office and have completed an initial meeting with a disability services coordinator to apply.

Steps for Application for Disability Funding: (Open application period is January-December, pausing every fourth month) 

1. Submit Disability Funding Application *for students with mobility/physical disabilities

2. Submit Disability Funding Application-for Adaptive Devices *for students with any types of disabilities 

3. NEW Submit Wolens Speech & Language Disfluency Funding Application *for students with speech disfluency, commonly known as stuttering or stammering 

4. Please follow the instructions on the application--entries will not be considered unless all requested information has been provided

5. You must be connected with your disabilities office and have completed an initial meeting with a disability services coordinator to apply

6. Please see our funding guide for more information on what types of things Disability Funding does NOT fund

Our scholarships are only available for disabled students at the University of Michigan (all 3 campuses) who are connected with their disability services office.

Most of our scholarships are awarded based upon the greatest financial need of the student who has applied; we obtain this information directly from the Financial Aid office. Certain scholarships or funding require the submission of an additional essay or statement; in these cases, the donor or review committee has requested the additional information to aid them in the selection process.

We don't guarantee availability or amount of funds in any given year, as many of our funds are expendable. And while we delight in stewarding the funds available to our students, at times we may determine a need to pause the process of stewarding based on the internal needs of our unit. 

Disability Funding requests are January-December, pausing every fourth month. You must have a disability to be eligible for Disability Funding.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Anya Cobler, SAAS Stewardship Program Coordinator, directly: [email protected]  

Scholarships Guide